There is a Scripture 3-14-22

Father, thank You for this beautiful day and for the opportunity to live.

Thank You that the living is not just a mechanical exercise of physical parts and senses but that You have created, part and parcel with them, an invisible awareness of ourselves and the creation in which we live, comprehension that we are…

“awesomely made, wonderfully…”


“…Your works are wonders…”

“…Such wonderful knowledge is beyond me,

Far too high for me to reach…”

far too high for us to describe adequately with words the miracle that we are not just dust but that the dust has form and spirit, lives and breathes… can comprehend with a mind… be inspired to wonderment and appreciation…and with heart be able to be grateful and able to give the gift of love to You as response to Your blessing of life to us.

Oh that we may experience all that You have made and set in place just as You meant it all to be experienced… to do so in companionship with You and in like fellowship with one another…

to Your praise and glory Father.

In Yeshua’s name we pray.


Psalm 139:14, 8 CJB

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