“Don’t deceive yourselves by only hearing what the Word says,…..but do it!
James 1:22 CJB
Father… I suppose that the deception, which we often readily accept, and which we take comfort in, is that knowledge of Your Word is sufficient in itself to make us what You want us to be. How often we speak of Your Word as instructions for life. We learn what those instructions are but then fail to follow them.
Fear, sometimes well-founded fear, sometimes selfishness, cause us to build so many fences around Your instructions that we do nothing. And we miss those opportunities which endlessly present themselves to learn, to be guided, to contend for the faith… to demonstrate Your character and to draw the attention of the world to You. It is sometimes a fear that exposes in us a lack of faith that You can make all things work for good.
Father… the prayer is that we would seek Your truth and when it is presented, to not be offended by It or by the One… or a one… or many ones… through whom You send it.
The prayer is Father… that we would take captive our fears, our preconceived ideas about our wisdom, set them aside, and be willing and receptive to listen, without immediately taking offense, as a means Father… of being confirmed and assured in what we already know, as a means to see where maybe we need correction and most of all, be motivated to take that knowledge and use it, apply it, bring into oneness the mind and our physical reality for Your purposes… which is the absolute purpose for which that knowledge was given… in the first place.
The prayer is Father… You grant and guide us to be humble, to have and be discerning according to the instructions and standards You have given… then to live it out physically ourselves… be a help and not an impediment.
The prayer is Father… that we would understand, that we are not our own, that we were created by You, for You, bought at a price, for us to glorify You… for us to be loved and glorified by You in return. Help us to see and gladly accept this notion and make it the character of all our thoughts and words and actions and the standard by which we order our daily lives.
To the praise and glory and honor of the One who created us and loves us and who will never forsake or abandon us…
We pray to You, Abba Dear Father… in the name of our Savior, our Redeemer, our Brother and Friend… Yeshua Messiah…
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