“…I am the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep…” John 10:11 CJB
“… I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own, and my own know me…” John 10:14 CJB
“…and the sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice…” John 10:4 CJB
Father… we pray for our leadership… in all places and at all levels.
At that point in their strivings when they take on the mantel of leadership and have become a steward of treasure not their own and have power to influence and affect the lives of those over whom they have authority… may You cause them to experience a spiritual awakening… an encounter that may not have been in their plan as they are making their way but one that you cause them to have anyway… an overpowering encounter with Your Spirit that they cannot mistake for anything except what it is… a moment of absolute clarity and choice… to lead in the character of the Good Shepherd who loves his sheep and will sacrifice himself for their sake… who knows and cares about them…
or in the character of the one who doesn’t really know or care about the sheep except to the extent they profit him… and to the extent they don’t… in times of trial… they are sacrificed, he is safe.
Father, may in this encounter the choice be made to model themselves after the character of the Good Shepherd, the One beloved of You, to be servant leaders who care about those You have placed in their hands to protect, to seek their good and lead such that when all is said and done You will have been glorified and they will have found favor in Your eyes…
In Yeshua’s name we pray…
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