Father, You are “Lord of heaven and earth… Lord of heaven and earth.”
Ultimately there is a sense of peace that comes over us if and when we allow those words to just sort of soak in.
There is comfort in the thought… no…the knowledge… that You Are.
And with but a thought or a word You can bring motion to a standstill, turmoil to absolute and complete stillness. You can make the argument against which there is not case.
Such peace in that Father and ultimately when we are perplexed and disturbed and wondering how to deal with all we are experiencing and witnessing… and nearing closer and closer to the understanding that there aren’t any solutions … or that our solutions are not perfect… sometimes everything is not going to be alright… those words come to mind… “You are Lord… Lord of heaven and earth.”
Those words Father, don’t lift us up out of or necessarily deliver us from the immediate circumstances in which we find ourselves… how we wish they did…
But they do console us in these immediate times with the promise and the truth that this is not all there is. It’s a mystery Father but in them is a peace giving for the immediate that is real. And we are able to accept the “now” of things.
Beyond “now”… is… another day. This is not final. All is not lost.
It’s a mystery Father… a marvelous mystery… how this truth and mere willingness to trust in it can have such peace giving power that though everything is not going to be alright… everything is in fact… yes… yes… yes… is going to be alright.
Thank You Father for this powerful, strengthening, comforting truth we can take, that it is a reliable medicinal that actually works, out of a health care plan that gives and maintains perfect healing, freely, compassionately and graciously given.
You are so good.
In Yeshua’s name we pray…
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