“…A man who has had a bath doesn’t need to wash… except his feet – his body is already clean… And you people are clean.” John 13:10 CJB.
The air around us Father, is filled with leaven. Leave a lump of dough sitting out and in time it will rise of itself, because of the leaven in the air. The leaven of sin is all around us. We cannot escape being touched and its power is such that only a little can lead to a lot.
Bathed in the blood of Yeshua, man, born a creature prone to sin and dirtied by sin, is cleansed, transformed into a new “creature”… clean now … unleavened, and in need Father, of protecting itself from the leaven of sin that is no more possible… in this world… to escape being exposed to and touched by… than a lump of dough set out in open air to rise or clean feet walking a dirt path.
Just hours Father, before betrayal, abandonment, torment, humiliation, and death, our Master and Friend, the Perfect One, knelt before imperfect ones, but loved ones, and in a sense us as well, and bathed their feet. He was teaching through words and actions, a lesson, demonstrating love and encouraging them.
The lesson and instruction given Father, in the hours before Passover and Unleavened Bread seems to have been that by way of Him they were made wholly clean yet there would be the need to guard and preserve that clean condition, a need in which they would have a part to play.
Father, as Your cleansed children, may we tend daily to keep our “feet” clean and our “houses” swept clean of the leaven of sin that litters the ground and fills the air of our walk in this world…
May Your Holy Spirit be a voice warning us, a convicting voice for us that calls for washing by means of taking captive all thoughts and deeds that are not of You and casting them out… that calls for the washing of sincere repentance and turning away from the sinful, back to You, for the washing that is dying to our own ways to follow Yours.
Father, that we would be humble people before You and towards each other and willingly minister, devoid the leaven of pridefulness, serve and bless… happily…even in the most humble of capacity … because we love You and we love one another.
In Yeshua’s name, we pray,
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