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Minchah Prayer

“…the whole earth is full of His glory…” AKJV

How worthy and satisfying is the pursuit to know You Father, to contemplate the world around us You have created… contemplate both it and we ourselves…the elements, the purpose… and Your person in it all.

Beauty… both temporary and eternal…

You “… have made everything beautiful in its time…” Ecclesiastes 3:11 AKJV

Your glory Father, is visible, audible to us, to our senses, in the form of beauty…the beauty of the world and all the fullness of it that You created.

There is surrounding us a pleasing quality… beauty… in the harmony of form and color, in the excellence of Your craftsmanship, and truthfulness… and these appearances and sounds arouse strong, contemplative delight… wonder and awe…Father… they do.

Beauty… is not necessary for sustaining life, does not feed our bodies or cloth us, or evolve us to be better hunters or gatherers.

In beauty, You are displayed… Your “majesty”, Your “splendor”, Your “resplendence”… Your glory… and we are able, because You have made it possible… to be touched by it… in our spirits… which are our real reality… and need nourishment even more so than our bodies.

And beauty… glory… inspires in us towards You… glory back… we offer, what we hope is a beautiful thing to You as well... glorification… “exalted honor, praise, worship”…gladness and delight… now… in this temporary bloom of life that will fade and disappear...

then beyond this temporary condition… eternally with You.

You surround us all and bloom within who so ever will.

Your glory… Your beauty… fills the whole earth and beyond to forever.

May we continually be on the alert for it and may we be ever appreciative of it and give You glory for it… this precious gift all Your created beings, believers or not, receive and acknowledge… in common.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


Definitions for glory and beauty drawn upon and paraphrased from

Yehovah’s Sacred Scriptures &

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language


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