We seek to know Your will for us and then to get about the work of doing it.
This is not always an easy thing. Our decisions affect others. And what if we are not really correctly hearing… the voice we listen to more ours’ than Yours… the relief we find in a final making up of our minds a mistaken confirmation of the rightness of our decisions?
Isn’t being in Your will supposed to make everything ok, result in everything going smoothly down a path we imagine You want us to go?... and circumstances around us confirming that?
It’s not always so Father… so how do we know?
That is my question this morning that I… leaning on Your breast and eyes averted… that I quietly and self-depreciatingly, present to You.
For after all… You are the Master. You answer to no one. Your ways are right… without question.
But I am Your child. You made me and care for me and allow for every human frailty and presumptuousness and You patiently listen to my questioning in a spirit of judging and of demanding an explanation. You are forgiving and allow time for a change in which my questions come in a spirit of trusting You and submission…regardless of what will be required of me.
So, as we seek Your will for the decisions, we must make Father… the prayer is that You would guide, give wisdom and will to be patient and not be in too big a hurry…
Grant discernment for determining if the way we go is really about glorifying You or is motivated by some other influence, a conflict of what we want with what else could be, of convenience over sacrifice, of speed over deliberation.
It appears that we have enough from You already, through Your Word and Your Spirit, to know what You want, that the difficulty is in how we go about it with one another.
Father as we engage in working through those kinds of difficulties may we be strong in our faith and trusting, as we go, that You will establish Your purposes… and will work all too good for those working in that mindset… that it is Your promise and Your power to do so… and You will accomplish Your good pleasure.
May we find peace in those words… confidence for… and harmony in… our decision-making.
May it be a demonstration of love for You and for one another.
May You be pleased… may You be glorified…
we pray in Yeshua’s name…