Minchah Prayer

You…are… awesome Father.

What are we that You would care for us at all…yet You do.

It is the purpose of our lives to know Your ways and do them…

To worship You in spirit and truth…

To glorify You…

To walk uprightly before You…

And with one another…

To fellowship with You in thought and prayer…




With words that rush…

With words that would be incoherent to anyone but You…

In comfortable silence…

With release and relief of tears…

And laughter…

Don’t know why laughter… incredulous laughter…

To find courage…

And direction…


And joy…


To sense Your love for us…

And that same love takes root and grows in us… that we might love You back…

That same love characterizes then, even the simplest of tasks we do…

Be the spirit of our behavior towards one another…

Each and every day…may it be so…

Thank You, Father…

In Yeshua’s name we pray…


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