Minchah Prayer 12-09-21

Father, may we be a people that can recognize when a good has been done us and will respond with “Thank you’s” that have in them genuine gratitude.

It is easy to say “Thank you”, when someone has pleased us or benefited us in some way. In our satisfaction and pleasure we are willing to be gracious.

And selflessly gracious we should be.

What is hard Father…and we pray Your enabling power to deal with it rightly… is… when what we receive from others is not immediately satisfying or pleasurable… yet there is a truth there or a usefulness of some sort, like it or not… and it hurts our pride… and stirs up a spirit of denial or stubbornness… Father that we would recognize the truth and usefulness and put aside pridefulness.

And having done so Father… to be able to take on humbleness and in true sincerity and gratitude, to say “Thank you”…really… “Thank you”… and mean it.

May our Thank “you’s” not be casual or condescending or grudging Father but… by Your grace… and our desire to find favor with You and our fellow man…may they be sincere and gracious and a blessing.

It is our prayer Father…

In Yeshua’s name…


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