Minchah Prayer 11-24-21

Father the sunlight of the new day, lighting the sky brings with it an optimistic anticipation for what lies ahead…Your mercies are new every day…You work all things to good…Your Word is true. Your Will will be done.

Father…help us to remember these truths…trust in them…and proceed in all we do using Your Word, listening to Your Spirit as the road map and guide for our intentions and our actions.

Within the body Father… move us to unity… in regards to the intent and truth of Your Word…Your actual Word…give us common and mutual understanding of what You see as actual sinning… actual disobedience of Your Word… and what is not sin… but is liberty to observe Your requirements in varying ways… as we evaluate one another.

Oversee Father… we pray… these “varying ways” that they do not fall short of fulfilling the full intent of Your requirements for us…that our intentions be according to Your will… that our pursuits and the way we pursue are in agreement with Your will and ways.

Give us discernment Father…we pray to know the difference between sin… that is not allowed… and preference that is… and in so knowing…

Instill in us graciousness towards one another as one pursues glorifying You one way and another pursuing glorifying You by a different path.

We plant seeds. We set examples…displaying optics of sameness and variance.

May our hearts and minds be in harmony with Your will and ways as we go.

You know the why.

You open the eyes and give vision.

You change hearts and minds.

You accomplish good through the actions of these imperfect vessels that are pursuing Your perfection…these and those vessels called and dedicated to Your purposes.

Faith and trust that You… work through us… is the safety net for our consciences that allows us to proceed with hope and optimism and assurance…in present discord…that enables us to look to the day at hand and the future… with confidence… that by Your power… all will be perfectly well.

Your Word gives example that a parting of ways… of members of Your family… happen…for a season…and then back together.

If there must be partings…let them be partings for times of reexamination, for further learning and maturing…for a season…glory to You Abba…Dear Father…

And hasten the day… Oh Dear Father… that brings us fully together once and for all… in Spirit…and body as well.

I know You will do it Father…for those…who so ever will.

We apply…to all our circumstances… to whatever is before us… and abiding trust in You… to work good in us towards one another… make us a people of oneness… glorifying You… a light…

May we be willing… and obedient.

We are so thankful to You… for You…Father… for Yeshua…for one another.

In Yeshua’s name we pray… to You Father…Dear Father…we love You so…


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