Minchah Prayer 05-04-22

To be in prayer Father, to humble ourselves before You, offer up praise to You and worship…

To seek fellowship with You in quiet private times alone…

To inquire after Your will with a heart and will of our own… to be obedient to what You reveal…

To sense and confess our unworthiness on the one hand, yet know gladness on the other, in the knowledge You listen and care and respond.

Knowing we are unable to be strong for You on our own, to call on You to make us strong through Your Spirit within.

To petition that You would provide and equip and gift that we might be able to share Your Word accurately and represent You well…

to bow before You and to give You the glory in all things.

To be in prayer Father, on behalf of our brothers and sisters in the faith… and Father… those outside as well…

Demonstrating truly, in our Spirit before You, love for them… in obedience to Your command to do so.

There before You, in prayer, to labor on their behalf for wellness of body and circumstances…

to plead for those who know You, well-being in their fellowship with You and that it would not falter…

for those who don’t… Father, that they might find that fellowship with You and draw on it for comfort… for power to deal with things.

Father… that we all might tell of what has been done…

and Who has done it…

that You indeed might be honored and glorified…and loved.

We pray in Yeshua’s name…


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