“Be careful not to forget ADONAI your God by not obeying His mitzvoth, rulings and regulations that I am giving you today. “Otherwise…”
after enjoying the benefits,
“…you will say to yourself, ‘My own power and the strength of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.’”
You took Your chosen people, set apart for a special purpose, and with them those who wished to be a part, out of bondage and brought them to Yourself.
You nurtured them with food and drink that sustains body and the food and drink of Your Word, that sustains the spirit, grew them and strengthened them to go in, take a promised land and be a light and a blessing to all the world, to draw all the world to You.
And You warned them that if they did not obey, keep, guard, cherish, Your mitzvoth, rulings and regulations, they would forget You…forget You Father… and apply to themselves the credit and glory and worship for their salvation, Father, that it was You who was/are the source of.
What a betrayal of Your love that would be Father! What hurt and anger that would arouse! How would You justifiably react?
Your reaction to what did happen anyway, even with the warning, was to call again to us to come out, separate ourselves to You, was to once again provide a Passover Lamb whose blood would separate us from defilement and death and “apartness” from You.
Your reaction was to once again set aside Your jealousy and hurt, and continue to woo a self centered, fickle, shallow people, to transform, who so ever will, into a son and daughter, centered on You, steadfast, capable of deep, meaningful and faithful love in return for Yours.
Father cause Your Spirit within us and Your Spirit around all who have not turned to You, to stir and arouse and prod a remembrance of You, to stir a desire to know You and be Yours.
Open our eyes to what You truly say in Your Word, to us all. Warn and protect us from altering even a stroke, to justify our own purposes.
May we trust and never disobey Your mitzvot, rulings and regulations that are our insight into intimately knowing You, redefine You, drift away and forget You.
Soften our hard hearts that,
they mold to Yours,
become one with Yours,
separate us to You as You would have us.
We remember You, Jehovah God, Abba Father.
It is You who has given us the power to…
In Yeshua’s name we praise and pray,
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