Father, thank You that there is something we can do, something we can give that is pleasing to You and a pleasure to us.
Thank You Father that we can offer up to You our praise and worship.
Thank You that we can do this in the quiet of our private time with You, in quick and passing encounters of the day and in a most joyful way in the company of the assembly when with open hearts and mouths we sing Your praise.
Father we enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. We make a joyful noise. We “break forth” and “sing for joy”. We “sing praises. We sing praises to Adonai with the lyre, with the lyre and melodious music! With trumpet and the sound of the shofar”, “we shout for joy before the King, Adonai!”
“in the tents of the righteous” Father, there is “the sound of rejoicing and victory.”
With songs of reverence, with songs of festiveness, with ancient words or new, we sing to You out of brokenness and victory, strength and need. We sing to You because we need You and want You. We sing to bring pleasure to Your heart.
In the assembly, in unity of purpose, yet individually in Your presence, single voices joined together, songs released from the heart to You Father, to express to You as only through heartfelt singing we can, our love and thanksgiving to You. You are so worthy.
Our heart’s desire Father, to sing to You, Father, only You.
May we look forward to the times of our gatherings and the opportunity to join together to open wide our hearts and sing Your praise, “and our sound become sweet with Your anthems ringing, Praise to the Name of the Lord! Allelu!”
May this be the goal and desire of our hearts each day alone and in those special times when we gather together.
May it be for this purpose that we do gather together… Word, prayer, song, much song.
May we not deny ourselves the blessing of this nor miss the opportunity to honor and glorify You to the exclusion of all else.
In Yeshua’s name we pray,
Various verses Psalms 98,100,118
“Sing Allelu (Ode 40)”
Fernando Ortega
• 2 min read
Elder’s Prayer – Praise & Worship

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