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2nd Day Prayer

“…ever since the creation of the universe His invisible qualities—both His eternal power and His divine nature—have been clearly seen, because they can be understood from what He has made…”  Romans1:20 CJB


How true it is Father… the idea that one can simply, by observing even just a small sampling of Your creation, think of it all as happen stance or existing forms that have no thought or purpose for their existence… including humankind.


Here we are in these moments… spending time with You personally and sharing with You what comes to mind concerning the things we see in the world around us. It’s like we are children who have come running home from school and want to share with, a listening parent, something neat we learned, tell about something new we found out. How sweet to have One with whom one can share the experiences of discovery and learning as they happen in our lives, that One who will not feel intruded upon, who seems as if they had been waiting for just this moment and this conversation and we are certain will be just as affected by our experiences as we were. That’s just a child’s expectation I suppose. For You may not be just as excited or impressed by our experience as we, or favorably disposed towards it. But one thing for certain I believe, You are glad we trust You and You see us looking at You and sharing with You. After all was not all creation and the knowledge about it made for us? And what would it say of us if we were not impressed or wanting to acknowledge the Source or praise.


There is in us all, the knowledge that, You are, and life’s biggest calling is that we search for You and find You and dwell with You… for from eternity past Father, You are with us, You are for us. Your handprint is on everything, the scent of You is in each breath. And You have made us with and provided us a way, to come face to face. Thank You Father.


The grass below, the sky above, the water and forms of the earth You could have

created in just varying shades of grey.

Why the variety of creatures, their behaviors and instincts?

People You could have created to look alike, to sound alike, to respond alike to everything… to perceive alike, learn alike.

Why beauty to the eye and ear? Why colors and shapes, tones and pitches? Why humor, why tears of joy and tears of happiness? Why the physical pleasures and pain in touch and taste?

Why the capacity to appreciation all these?

Why the capacity of all these physical things to inspire the spirit? Why a spirit within us, touched, moved, by the actions of one human being towards another?

Creation could have been much different Father, it certainly could have.

Existence, You created to be, a living whole, from we who seek and desire You to even the rocks from whom water to praise can flow forth. It is all alive, seeking and waiting on You, worshipping You, praising You.


And how good, these moments spent with You, to share these thoughts with You and express our thanks to You in a spirit of complete gratitude and the comfort of Your gracious love for us.


We have needs, at time Father, that we cry out to You to minister to.


But in all times Father You are the object of our love, a love like Yours You crated us with the ability to experience.

Our desire…to the point of needing… is to do what one does who has an object of their love… and in our case Father… You and we… it is to spend time with You, share with You, give thanks to You in sincerity and absolute gratitude.


May it be our heart and the purpose of our thoughts and actions that everyone that has breath share in this wonderful created creation You have formed for us all.


In Yeshua’s name we pray.




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