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2nd Day Prayer

2nd day


“…upon those… living in the shadow of death… light has dawned…”


“…in the valley of the shadow of death… Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me…”

“… the Light shines in the darkness

and the darkness has not suppressed It…”


“… O death… where is thy sting…”


“Be brave! I have overcome the world.”


Father, we all walk with the shadow of death over us. It frightens us.

Most of us find comfort from the reality of it by thinking of it as little as possible, allowing distractions to take its place in our thoughts.


But… on us all, living and walking in this shadow of death, a Light dawned and It shines and It is Life and the darkness has no power to overcome It… or we who walk in It.


Oooh death… Indeed… Where is your sting?


Your Living Word, Father… Your Spirit, Living God…

We believe, we surrender to, trust in, covenant with, hold fast to.

Be for us… You are for us Father… Light and Life in this present darkness.


Thank You Father,

In Yeshua’s name…




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