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2nd Day Prayer

“Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking, and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretence ever to diminish.

Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life.

Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won.”

Taken from the “Cadet Prayer” United States Military Academy Colonel Clayton E. Wheat Chaplain 1918-1926

Father, may we ever draw on Your Word for what defines “honest dealing” and “clean thinking”, and as people “born again”, conforming to Your image, may we not only admire these but make them an integral part of the way we conduct our lives.

May we not be pretenders, but true in reality to what we profess in word.

In this world Father and the life, you have given us may we be attracted to the narrow path, the higher ground which is the uncommon choice, and grant us please, Your grace, Your enabling power, that we might travel it successfully in Your eyes, and so glorify You.

You are wholly and completely right and true Father.

Our trust and reliance is in You.

Guide us Father that we might know the truth and do right.

It is the desire of our hearts.

We most humbly pray Father,

in Yeshua’s name,



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