Father as we pause to commemorate the official birth of our nation may Your Spirit move and bring to memory in us all that we were to be a people of justice and benevolence. And even though over the last two hundred-forty seven years we have certainly fallen short, the bar was set high and many good things have been accomplished.
Your Word, the moral code which You gave is the foundation upon which our government was established and laws were to be made and lived by.
To the extent that we have been obedient and the spirit of Your commandments have been at the core of all our actions… to the extent that we have prayed and given You glory… good things have been done and many things can be pointed to as proof of that.
To the extent that we have deviated from Your ways, listened to a spirit that was not Yours and done what we thought in our own minds was right…we have suffered great failures… caused great tragedy.
Nothing has changed from the birth of America to now. The struggle between peoples and ways has been ongoing, a physical representation of the ongoing war “against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Some have chosen the side of light and some the side of darkness. And we are in the midst of it now.
Father thank You for Your patience and Your mercy… Your willingness to forgive, to extend to us grace and opportunity to repent and return to the ancient paths.
We can still be a nation worthy of Your blessing.
May we who believe and trust stand up in these days and be visible and vocal ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven… true to and defenders of… Your ways…
draw, by the power of Your Spirit, those who have drifted and those yet to know You, to You… and may we… native sons and daughters of America establish America as a faithful and dedicated servant nation in Your Kingdom… to You.
Be Thou our vision… Be Thou our wisdom, our true Word… our best thought by day or by night, waking or sleeping Thy presence our Light… You our inheritance now and always…we ever with Thee and Thou with us Lord.
We bless You Abba…Dear Father.
In Yeshua’s name…
Ephesians 6:12 AKJV
“Be Thou my Vision”