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2nd Day Prayer

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

“…The light shines in the darkness

And the darkness has not suppressed it.” John 1:5 AKJV

You are good Father…

When we witness an act of goodness… it is You there.

When we witness a considerate act… or hear a word of kindness, of good will… we see You…we are hearing You.

Wherever we see good… whenever we experience good… in the giving or getting… we know… You Father… are the source.

You lighten a moment… bring light to our day.

We are gladdened… we are cheered…

We take heart…

And we need that Father… because things can get pretty bad, pretty dark, at times… in so many ways.

Father... we want to walk with You daily…

Make us into people who look for good in all circumstances…

who look to do good… in all circumstances…

To be light the darkness cannot suppress.

Bless this day Father.

Watch over us and protect us please.

Shine in us Father we pray…

Glory to You…

In Yeshua’s name,



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