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2nd Day Prayer

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

“…Herein is our love made perfect…

that we may have boldness in the day of judgment…

because as He is… so are we…in this world…

There is no fear in love…

but perfect love…

casteth out fear…

because fear hath punishment… 1 John 4:14-15 AKJV

Father… we love You because You first loved us.

Your Spirit indwells us and is about perfecting our love that just as You are, so we might also be… in this world…

and that an immediate and ongoing consequence is… just as You love us, we would love one another.

May we be perfected in our actions of patients and kindness…

Abstinence… from jealousy and boastfulness, pridefulness and selfishness…

in ceasing to keep records of wrongs…

in ceaselessly delighting in truth, bearing up, trusting, hoping, and enduring…

May these actions not be coldly legalistic in their execution but have warmth coming from a heart continually being perfected to love.

We thank You Father that fear… being afraid of You… is not something that characterizes or has any place in this pursuit.

We pray that not only will following in this path enable each of us to stand before You one day, perfect in our love but that…in this world…

we would genuinely reflect Your image

and be lights where ever we are…

All to Your glory and honor Father,

we pray in Yeshua’s name,



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