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2nd Day Prayer

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Father, we thank You for this new day…and everyday You allow us to wake to.

May the sky look particularly blue, the soaring of the winged ones strikingly graceful… the breath of air a tingle on the cheek…

May the people sounds around us, of conversation and laughter be unusually pleasant to the ear…

May we be more than normal blessed by a considerate act extended towards us... not notice even a bit, clueless, of an obvious slight.

As we cast a studying eye on a friend or loved one, they moving about, or hear their voice, or the thought of them comes to mind… may we experience a gladness, an appreciation, a sense of good fortune, that they are our friend or loved one…for no particular reason at all…it just came to us.

A walk, a talk, silent fellowship or a gab fest… grey day, bright day, a cool sip of water… all things un-extraordinary Father… the simple things always there going unappreciated because we’re used to them…the good and perfect gifts that You are the source of… often the best things…make them very noticeable and more than usual pleasant to us today…

and… at some point in every day You allow us to wake to.

You are indeed the source of all things bright and good and beautiful.

Thank You Father.

In Yeshua’s name



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