2nd Day Prayer

“A king is not saved by the size of his army,

a strong man not delivered by his great strength.

To rely on a horse for safety is vain,

nor does its great power assure escape.”  Psalm 33:16-17 CJB

Father, we focus so much on war being a physical thing and that great size, strength of man and lethality of weaponry are what assures victory.

We are in a time, when the cry is for the need to increase in the art of war.

Your Word Father, debunks the idea that our safety, our victory can be assured in these ways.

Your Word, identifies who the real enemy is/enemies are, and what it takes to engage successfully.

Intelligence that You have provided us is that war and destruction, has been declared upon mankind by “…rulers, authorities and powers, spiritual forces in the invisible…” realm.

And You have shown us we are warring on two fronts, fighting on one front, in our minds, against spiritual forces whose weapons include “strongholds” of lies, “…arguments and every arrogance that raises itself up against the knowledge of You…”

and fighting on a second front in physical warfare… man against man, nation against nation… armies raised, war-makers trained, weapons made, aimed and fired…

because the battle waging at the first front, within the mind, is being won by the Adversary.

Father, You have also shown us how to battle successfully against this.

The weapons You provide are not worldly but spiritual. Their use can bring defeat to the enemy in the spiritual world which will change what happens in the physical world.

Father may we come to and continually grow in our knowledge of You and Your Ways.
May we in wisdom, love for You… and our fellow man, rely on You and the superiority of Your Ways, not ours, and obediently apply what You teach us.

So equipped, may we take that enemy captive, prevent his advance and remove the opportunity or possibility for all our enemies to open a second front against us.

Father, we pray, in Yeshua’s name,


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