“…Where is this promised ‘coming’ of His?
For our fathers have died and everything goes on just as it has since the beginning of creation...” 2 Peter 3:3 CJB.
Father, You are our Master.
We are Yours… bought with a price… to glorify You.
Our job is to promote Your interests, demonstrate Your character through our behavior and the work we do.
May we be found faithfully doing so each day.
May it be in this way we find meaning and satisfaction Father…
and carry a peace in our spirits that we are doing right.
When the opportunity for a way of thinking, a word or a deed presents in the course of our day, luring us down a path to self gratification and satisfaction contrary to what would please You, Father…
May we not explore the possibilities, make the mistake of thinking…
Just this once…
Future good will balance this out…
The remembrance of sin will fade with the distance of time…
and my Master is taking His time…
He will forgive…
make that mistake… and anesthetize the conscience.
We overcome the evil inclination, Father…
avoid the guilt of tarnished good…
prevent disappointing You… by…
Dying to self and praising You.
Help us to be strong this way and may all glory and honor be Yours.
In Yeshua’s name we pray.