“…Your donkey will be taken away from you by force as you watch…Your sons and daughters will be handed over to another people; you will watch for them longingly all […]
My wife passed on to me a blog a good friend of ours sent her, written by a young…girl, woman, lady, about insights she came to during and after a […]
Father, sometimes it seems as if there is nothing for it but to be still and wait.Way in the background there is a silent movie of faces, incidents and circumstances […]
Do you hang onto things? I do, physical things and habits, to name a few memories. I think I’m kind of a hoarder. And from what I can see, I […]
My wife and I are looking for cabinets as a last step in a small renovation. So this last week we made the journey to Orlando where there were some […]
Father, in the light of this new day we pray that as we go, we have peace of mind and a clear conscious.We pray that You will guide us so […]
There is an order to things.We are born into it.The truth or rightness of it isn’t dependant on whether or not we agree or like it.It’s just the way it […]
My wife and I have a friend who just recently lost her very close friend. She was my wife’s friend as well. They had lived together for the past, oh […]
Know what placebo is?The dictionary defines it as “…a substance containing no medication and given merely to humor a patient…”– American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. So someone has […]
“Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night; let them be for signs, seasons, days and years; and let them be […]