Father, in the strength of our own knowledge and wisdom we try to live our lives and then when things fail or fall apart we are crying and pleading to […]
Father, there is not a day that goes “bye” even a moment, that is not a day or moment for offering up prayers of thanksgiving to You. “Always be joyful”, […]
Father, teach us how to handle our anger. People and circumstances beyond our control can cause us to be angry. We by our own thoughts and actions can bring on […]
You are so good.You are perfect.There is no rightness without You. In Your Word You teach us what is good and what is evil.You show us through the lives and […]
Father, when we begin a task we ask You for success. When we see a need we ask You to provide for it. When we have a question we ask […]
Father, it is a bright and beautiful new day outside. There is so much activity as people are out walking, going to work, kids on their way to school, the […]
Father, thank You that there is something we can do, something we can give that is pleasing to You and a pleasure to us. Thank You Father that we can […]