Time is Precious


“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such-and–such a city, stay there a year…’

You don’t even know if you will be alive tomorrow!

For all you are is a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears…”

What is certain Father, is this moment in time You have given. More is a hope.

The present circumstances are the ones in which live and are what they are.

The people who occupy this time with us right now are the ones You have given.

Father, we pray for an awareness of how precious time is and a will to use it well.

Father, in our circumstances, be they of our own doing or because of the doings of others, or because of Your purposes Father, may it be our way, to engage in them whole heartedly, not shrink from or fear the work, to be intent on doing well and always do so with desire to please You and bring You glory.

Father, may we be respectful and helpful and considerate towards those we encounter in daily activities and may we walk away having conveyed a spirit of good will, left them with a sense of having been treated well.

May the same be so with those we are closer to Father but also may we not miss the opportunity to express to them the good we see in them, our admiration, our liking, and our love too.

With them may we be willing to be vulnerable and to trust, to have openness and honesty.

May we take an interest and learn about those around us to discover the uniqueness of character and perspective and talent You created in them, now, while we have the blessing of their company.

And thank You Father for the very close ones, our parents, our spouses and children and dear ones Father. May it all be so with them as well but more deeply and intimately, we pray.

Thank You for people.

Thank You for Your ways Father.

And thank You for time.

May we use it well.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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