There Is A Scripture – Prayer & Trust

My wife and I are looking for cabinets as a last step in a small renovation. So this last week we made the journey to Orlando where there were some discount outlets we wanted to look into.

So these places are spread out in old downtown Orlando. The streets are old and narrow, lots of traffic, old buildings lined up on either side and not being familiar with the streets and the addressing made getting from one place to the other a task. We were like the old guys, driving ten miles an hour under the speed limit looking for signs and numbers, while everyone else seemed to know exactly where they were going and doing so pretty fast. We passed right on by a couple of the places and had to stop, figure out where we were and go back,

So we went to the first one and they had some individual pieces but not enough matching units to put together as a group. And, best I could tell, they were “discount” in name only.

The next two places were old warehouse like buildings from out of last century right there in the middle of town with big floor fans for “air”. They overflowed with second hand stock, an assortment of hardware and tools sitting on old dusty wooden shelves, looking like they had been there forever.  There were the different types of base cabinetry we would need to put together into a matching set but, the hardware for doors and drawers, and the wood itself, were poor grade. The quality and workmanship well, not so good.

We weren’t disappointed actually, and these places were interesting, especially the old turn of the century places. The guys inside were peasant and let you roam. So it was a bit of an adventure. But it didn’t look like we were going to find anything we’d want or could be installed without additional work.

It’s hot, there is traffic but we stop at the last place on our list. There’s a reception desk just inside the front door and a small showroom in which are displayed a few different styles of cabinetry and counter tops… and two ladies.

So I’m thinking, no stock, have to order, custom built, time and money. Does this young woman know anything about cabinets and installation?

As an aside, I should know better by now. I have a wife and two grown daughters who constantly surprise me with what they know, their ability to talk nuts and bolts and problem solve. Old school male, I’m sorry.

The ladies are of Hispanic descent, one a mother in her mid thirties, maybe forty, expressive and with an accent I find pleasant. “All right. I’ll listen.”

We sit at a small table. She  gets out her pencil, ruler, calculator (“Oh boy! We need a calculator?”) and graph paper (“Graph paper? I wonder…”). In just a few minutes she has the lay out on paper, we talk about what kind of cabinets we want, drawers, doors, shelves, she prices it, done.

“Take this home. Check your measurements. If you want them give a call. You can pay for them from the house. Three weeks lead time and you’ll have them. Nice meeting you. Have a good day.”

Before we left home that morning, in the truck we prayed, thanksgiving for the day, for protection in travel, that what we were doing and what we would decide were in Yahweh’s will and that He would lead and we would be happy with however it turned out. I felt like that prayer was answered.

So a long story to say this. We wanted to find what we needed. We prayed about it. Our Father could have directed us to success right off the bat but instead He let us go around the block a bit, even get to the point of not being too hopeful. We come to our last stop before going home and there we get blessed.

Going to all those places and seeing, touching, feeling what was out there and then having that knowledge for comparison, made decision making a lot easier and doubt free. And the doubt free is a big blessing. Because at the end of the day we were able to be satisfied with the quality, the cost, the time and the interaction of our search.

And Yahweh’s blessings are bundled. My wife and I took a ride together and traveled through an old section of town we hadn’t been to in years. It brought back memories and conversation. We went into some old buildings that just in themselves are interesting to look at and brought to mind how things in the past were done differently. We met and dealt with people that were friendly and saw how some things now look so different from what we remember.

So there was heat, traffic, trouble with directions and uncertainty of success but in the mix, fellowship and togetherness, interest and a bit of fun in the circumstances of the day.

Some days are harder than others. Sometimes blessings don’t come so quickly. But the difficulties can serve to sharpen our appreciation for the blessing. Calling on God and proceeding in trust, as a way of doing anything, will enable us to be less distracted by the difficulties and more confident of good.

Father, before beginning anything, be they the simple common everyday or the serious and big things, we look to You for guidance and approval and give You thanksgiving.
In the midst of all our endeavors Father, great or small, we pray that our trust and reliance on You would take away the power of difficulties to diminish our hopes or distract us from seeing and experiencing good.
We pray that You, who works everything for good, would enable us to know in our hearts, good is being worked…even when it doesn’t seem so.
May that knowledge be an anchor for our joy and peace.
Thank You Father.
We love You.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


May God’s love be in us all.


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