Father, nothing in life we have or do has any meaning or value if we don’t first, take our focus off ourselves, humble ourselves before You, give You praise and glory.
And so we do Jehovah…Abba.
We have worth Father, because You value us.
You value us so much that You allowed the sacrifice of that part of You dearest to You, to satisfy justice and allow for mercy and forgiveness, to provide a means to be near You.
We did not merit it but that did not matter to You.
Your heart softens as You see us, “…harried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd…” Matthew 9:36 CJB.
Your heart softens in the presence of sorrow and humility, repentance and urgent desire to be in pleasing, favoring relationship with You.
Your heart softens when we recognize Your Goodness and Good, when we are captivated by it and want to be that way as well.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Father for the great love of Yeshua for us, that lead to His giving up His life for us.
Thank You Father for the Son in whom You are well pleased, who You raised up from death and even beyond that life giving death continues to mediate for us at Your right hand.
What wondrous love this is!
How blessed we are!
Praise be to You, our most beloved Savior, Brother, Friend and King.
In Yeshua’s name we pray,
May Yahweh’s, Abba’s love be in us all.
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