Minchah Prayer 03-02-22

It is a fortunate thing that we have You Father, to put our trust in. Regardless of what we see around us You are good and You do good and the fruits of Your labor are good.

There is no such confidence in us anymore regarding our institutions and government and the hope that things might change for the better is fading.

We have serious problems but the response is not to search out the core and make a change, maybe even not care if things really get fixed at all, but instead use the circumstance to advantage, for purposes other than the common good.

That’s how it appears Father, when we look at our leaders and the antics they go through in the name of doing what’s right and good.

High sounding words, eloquence of speech…we love hearing that stuff… but it’s white wash… crafted to deceive…leading nowhere.

Where’s the fruit?

Tottering nitwit mouthing words… Look at that bunch listening, clapping, jumping up on cue… trust them, believe them?… yeah about as far as…

Still small voice…

“Love your enemies…”

The whisper continues, singularly audible in the midst of so much noise…

“Ye who are without sin, cast…”

“All have sinned and fallen…”

“Vengeance is mine, I will repay…”

“Love your neighbor…”

Frustrating Father, enraging…

Sons and daughters…”I will show you what you must suffer for my sake…

I will decide who and what and to what degree…

in keeping with my pleasure and purpose…according to the counsel and wisdom of my will… because…

I love you…

and don’t wish that any should perish…”

If we could just do…

“Your ways are not my ways…

I’ve given you freedom to do things… your… ways… how has that worked for you?”

But look! Lies and promises meant to deceive, manipulation… the extortion that Your word speaks of… words Father, nothing changes… how can we live with peace and joy that is not tainted with apprehension?…

“Trust Me”

Make My ways your ways…

See all of creation…its beauty and order in the midst of storm and upheaval… evidence of My realness…and power that cannot be matched and is forever…how it glorifies Me by its faithful obedience to the laws I set over it… and patiently awaits the Day…

Trust Me…

Make My ways your ways…

Mature the new man I have birthed you to be.

I love You freely…

Freely love one another…

Be light…regardless… in the midst of darkness and chaos…

Trust Me…

Pray for those who see you as enemy…

Pray for yourself that you do not perceive others mistakenly…

And even if you perceive correctly…

Pray for those others and yourselves for a spirit of peace making that will govern you both… in your disagreements…”

I hear You Father…I know You are right…

But I just don’t think I can …from the heart Father… really…

“You can’t…

But with Me…you can…

Foolishness to the world…

Don’t order your steps guided by the world’s understanding and ways…

Foolishness to the world…incomprehensible, My peace and joy. in your minds…

but real…untainted…peace…hope…joy…I do give you…now and forever…

My ways are the ways to truth… and life…”

Trust Me!”

Forgive Father. Forget please our bent to angry, harmful, hateful thoughts and words… not only the mental bent but actual expression…

Oh…but Father we are weak…

When our thoughts take an evil turn may Your Spirit make us quickly aware and we quickly take those thoughts captive, cast them away, speak blessing and right mindedness and healing and building up instead…

and give no entertainment to any thought, about others, that does not harmonize with Your desire, that our desire would be for the good of one another.

And today Father…in this season… concerning our leaders Father… we pray for their well being… for them to have an ongoing transformation of heart and mind that would bring them into agreement and harmony with Your ways…

that they would be strong…be brave…in You…and… live and govern accordingly…

so that those they shepherd would not be led into warring with one another, here in the homeland, or with others abroad…

May it be so for the leaders of all nations …

May it be so for us all.

Thank You Father…Abba Dear Father…

Glory to You…


In Yeshua’s name we pray…


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